SEO Consultations

If you're concerned that your website's SEO strategy isn't working as well as it should, you may need the help of an expert. Our SEO consultations can help you identify issues with your current strategy and provide actionable recommendations to improve your search engine rankings.

Keyword Research

Deliverable: A detailed report outlining the keywords your target audience is searching for and how to optimize your website's content accordingly.

Our keyword research consultations help you identify the keywords your potential customers are searching for and optimize your website's content to attract more traffic. We provide you with a detailed report outlining the most relevant and profitable keywords for your business, along with recommendations for optimizing your website's content to target these keywords.

Check Keywords Ranking
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Technical SEO Audit

Deliverable: A report outlining the technical issues affecting your website's search engine rankings and recommendations to fix them.

Our technical SEO audits help you identify any technical issues affecting your website's search engine rankings. We analyze your website's code, structure, and performance and provide a detailed report outlining the problems we found and recommendations to fix them.

Content Strategy

Deliverable: A content strategy document outlining topics, content calendar, and keyword optimization plan.

Our content strategy consultations help you develop a content plan that aligns with your business goals and targets the right audience. We help you identify topics, create a content calendar, and optimize your content for search engines, so you can attract more traffic and improve your search engine rankings.

SEO content Edits
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Link Building

Deliverable: A link-building strategy document outlining the link sources and methods to be used.

Our link-building consultations help you acquire high-quality links from other websites to improve your website's authority and search engine rankings. We provide guidance on how to conduct effective link-building campaigns and recommend strategies for acquiring high-quality links.

Analytics and Reporting

Deliverable: A customized analytics report outlining your website's performance and recommendations for strategy adjustments.

Our analytics and reporting consultations help you measure the success of your SEO efforts and track website traffic, conversion rates, and other essential metrics. We provide a customized analytics report outlining your website's performance and recommendations for adjusting your strategy based on data insights.

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With our SEO consultations, you can feel confident that you're getting expert advice and recommendations to improve your search engine rankings and drive more traffic to your website. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and start improving your SEO strategy.

Ready to find out more?

Speak with me to see if I am a good fit. I can provide you some preliminary insights. At the least, you will walk away with a little more insight into the SEO of your website.

Schedule a Free 15 Minute Consultation

Want to speak to an SEO Audit Consultant?

Book a free 30-minute SEO consultation. We can have a simple conversation about your site, show you a few reports, and talk through options. You may not need to hire and SEO provider.