There are many ways to check keywords ranking for a website and we have the knowledge and insight to help you find out the following:

Keywords Rankings Report

  1. Keyword Rankings  - I can provide a list of keywords that the website is ranking for and show you which pages are performing well. 
  2. Keyword Research - I can analyze the current keyword strategy and show variations that could be implemented to generate more traffic.
  3. Competitor Analysis - Keyword Rankings: I can analyze competitors and show which keywords they are ranking well for and the subsequent search traffic for those words.
  4. Competitor Comparison - I can use a keyword list and show how the competitors rank for similar keywords. I can identify gaps in keyword strategies.
  5. Competitor Research - I can use a keyword list to analyze online competitors for those words, identify what factors they have in their favor, and develop a strategy with their information.
  6. Page-Level Keyword Optimization - I can analyze any page for a specific keyword and let show the utilization rate and how to improve the use of the keyword on that page.

Monthly Keyword Rankings Report

Get regular reporting for your website or a competitor's website. For clients that sign SEO Monthly Support Contracts, these reports are available weekly.

  1. Keyword Rankings - Track the progress of a website on weekly basis and show you how the website is performing.
  2. Keyword Competitor Comparison - I can track competitors' efforts and show how your site is performing alongside their rankings.
  3. Keyword History - With our monthly clients, I track shifts in words and the pages that are ranked. I look for pages that need a little more TLC to get them up in the ranks.
  4. Organic Search - I have a process to integrate Google Analytics and Google Search Console data into our reports.

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