Blog Posts about SEO

We wanted to put together a collection of SEO Blog Posts, ideas, and thoughts for people to read through. We hope you find something useful and get a sense of who we are and how we think.

Please enjoy.

Clubhouse SEO Fundamentals

Clubhouse: SEO Fundamentals 6-15-21

SEO Fundamentals: Highlights Today I had the chance to open the room and discuss the basics of SEO that I…

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SEO ROI Balancing Cost and Gain

SEO ROI (Return on Investment)

What is SEO ROI? It’s Search Engine Optimization Return On Investment. Ideally, the benefit of the SEO service should outweigh…

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Our Site Results

Waymaker SEO Agency: Year One

I made it-one year as an SEO agency owner. The truth is, this is the second time being a digital…

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Yoast WordPress SEO Plugin

DIY WordPress SEO | Some tips

WordPress SEO | Some Tips When it comes to WordPress SEO, there are a lot of options but I prefer…

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Fixing a website

Website SEO, You don’t need a new website.

It is time for a new website? Concerned about Website SEO efforts? Recently I’ve talked to a few potential clients…

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Website SEO Audit to ID Leaky Bucket

Your Website is a leaky bucket | Website SEO Audit

SEO Code Errors are like holes in a bucket After almost two years of being back in the SEO world,…

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fishing for business

Being a Small Business Owner 2020

Reflections on being a Business Owner Here we are. The end of 2020 and looking down the barrel of 2021.…

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SEO is like a marathon

SEO Competitor Analysis: Insights

Comeptitor Insight I thought I would share a few thoughts on competitors for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) efforts. That’s what…

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Search Spider

Basics of SEO

I made a video about the basics of SEO. It’s more of basics for how web crawlers crawl your site…

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